Having teenagers is scary. It’s hard to not be worried and down. But, life is scary in general. I keep reminding myself the same thing I thought the day that I got married- “This will only work if I do it with the Lord.”
I think what makes teenagers so scary is that I worry that they will lose their faith and ruin their life. There is so much pull from the world. They are surrounded by evil and base influences that they seem to welcome and seek out. Will I be close enough to them? Will I push them away with discipline? How can I help them be wise? How can they see that the restored gospel is true? Will they develop a personal relationship with he Savior?
But, I have to have faith and be optimistic. The Lord will help me to receive revelation day by day. My peace and joy will show them that the restored gospel is true. My wisdom will show them how to be wise.
I realize that I need the constant influence of the Spirit for me to survive spiritually and have that peace. My spirituality can help my children. And, ultimately, my happiness doesn’t depend on what they do. It depends on me knowing that I’m doing what God wants me to do each day.
This post is made up of excerpts from my journal in late 2013.
November 24, 2013
I haven’t been too well in the head ever since Daniel was born. I’m not so depressed or sad. I just feel stressed, scatter-brained, no sex drive, worn thin by all there is to do. I talked to the Lord about it tonight and I feel the answer is for me to start exercising. I really don’t want to. Not because I don’t like exercising, but because it means 1-2 hours out of my day! But, I know I need to. I could exercise at home. Maybe with a video. But, I’ll probably do it more and harder at the YMCA. We’ll see.
[Note: I eventually got in the habit of exercising five-six days a week by using 20-minute workouts by Denise Austin on YouTube. She does a 5-minute warmup, 5 minutes of aerobics, 5 minutes of strengthening a specific body spot, and a 5 minute cool down. I made playlists for my convenience. Here are the links by body spot: ABS, ARMS, LEGS]
November 25, 2013
I exercised this morning to a little video.
Daniel’s First Thanksgiving. November 2013
December 4, 2013
Today was SO hard and I’m VERY tired. I had the kids go to bed early because they were tired too. Behavior was terrible and they wouldn’t do their homework. There are so many things my kids do wrong that I can’t focus on fixing all of them. I’m just doing what I can now and hoping I can get to the rest later.
December 6, 2013
Mike said yesterday that when he goes on the rides at Knott’s Berry Farm it tickles his heart. I loved it. What a cute age. I’ve been exercising and I feel a lot better.
Making bread with the boys.
December 13, 2013
I called Sister—– for advice because I was at my end with the boys. She told me a lot. She dedicated all her time to her boys and prayed A LOT. Those were the two things that made the biggest difference. And she was strict with them, would explain things to them to teach them. She made them do chores and help her clean.
December 15, 2013
I was SO tired today. I had a mountain of laundry from not having time to fold since last Tuesday. Wes helped me fold a lot of it tonight.
Wearing Dad’s Suit
December 16, 2013
It was a good day. I worked hard. It takes a lot of energy to take care of 5 boys!
We had Family Home Evening and they were irreverent during the lesson. But we had fun cutting snowflakes.
December 17, 2013
I’m getting caught up with the housework. I was behind because last week was so busy. I had a hard time getting the boys to do their morning chores. The best part of the day was going to the library downtown. It has a nice kids area and the boys really liked it. They got a lot of books and Wes read with them in the evening.
So Cute!
December 19, 2013
Today was hard. I’m late to bed again. I feel like I battle with the kids all day long. But, we did have some good times. We read books. We did a couple science experiments. We looked at the rain. We made Christmas ornaments out of toy soldiers.
December 25, 2013
What a great Christmas! Jacob got a bell from Santa’s sleigh which was something he really wanted and it was very special for him. He was so good and sweet all day today despite all the sugar he ate in the morning. I think it was because of how loved he felt. And he felt special.
Like so many others, Christmas is our favorite holiday and we love it! This year a friend asked me what traditions we do that help to take the focus away from the presents and onto the true meaning of the season, especially for young children.
What is the true meaning?
Of course, it is to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. However, it goes beyond his birth to his ministry and sacrifice for us. Christmas is about the divinity of Christ and the salvation that He gives us. The Love of God is central to His Saving Grace and to the season of Christmas. Therefore, Christmas is a time to share that love. It is a time for “peace and goodwill toward men.”
Bringing ourselves and others to Christ through faith, hope, and charity is what it is all about.
Here are some Christmas traditions that help us feel the Spirit of Christmas— the Spirit of faith, hope, and charity. Serving and uplifting others shares Christ’s love and light and makes Christmas truly meaningful.
Join in the Light The World Initiative. #LightTheWorld
Look up suggestions and a Light The World calendar on https://www.comeuntochrist.org/light-the-world-2020 Share the hashtag on social media posts to inspire others to join in as well. Ask your children each day (in the morning or at bedtime) what they want to do to Light the World that day.
As a family, decide who could use some cheering up or talk about someone with a specific need that you can help with. Decide how to help them and do it as a family. This may be a Secret Santa operation of giving gifts or doing service for an individual.
Reach Out to Seniors
Keeping social distancing guidelines this year may mean phone calls or gifts instead of visits.
Make or Buy Treats For Neighbors
Call Family, Friends, & Those That are Lonely
Have Children choose a family member to give a gift to
My children draw each others names so that they can buy a gift for one of their brothers. This year they earned money to purchase the gift themselves.
Have Christmas Devotionals
I normally do devotional with my children at bedtime. That is when I read the scriptures to them and sing to them. The days and weeks before Christmas I will read Christmas stories and scriptures to them and sing them Christmas songs.
Read Children’s Christmas books that are focused on Jesus Christ.
The following websites have a list of Children’s storybooks about Jesus. You may find some of them at your local library by doing a title search. I read The Animal’s First Christmas last night and it brought a sweet feeling into the room.
We tell our children that they are allowed to open their stockings as soon as they wake up on Christmas. This gives them something to do and play while they wait for everyone else to wake up. After everyone is awake (mom and dad are always last), we have a family prayer a short devotional before we open gifts.
Give a Gift to The Lord Devotional
I like to do this devotional each year. Teach the children about the gift that God gave to us for Christmas. Then ask them to think of a gift that they will give to him. You can write their desired gifts down and wrap them up. Then, open them on Christmas morning and reread them for a short and fun Christmas morning devotional, because their attention span is short that day.
Seek For Jesus Devotional
This is another fun devotional. Teach about the wise men seeking for the young Jesus. Explain that wise men still seek Him and ways that we can seek Him. Then, have the children go out of the room and hide a small figurine of the baby Jesus from your nativity (or a picture of Jesus Christ). Make it visible, not completely out of sight. Whoever finds Him gets to hide it for everyone next. Keep playing until everyone gets a turn.
I asked my seven-year-old, Daniel, how he wanted to focus on Jesus this Christmas. He said he wanted to hide Jesus Christmas morning before we open presents and then whoever finds Him gets to open a present and then hide Him again. He said we could seek the Lord before each present we open! I think we will do it for each of the kid’s first gifts.
Soup Kitchen Service
When our children are old enough I would like to bring them to help out at a soup kitchen or seniors Christmas dinner. My family did this once when I was a child and it made me feel the Spirit of Christmas more than anything else.
Participate in Christmas Church Services
Find out when your church or a local church is having a Christmas program and watch or attend.
Merry Christmas!
There are a few ideas, many more are on Light The World.
This Christmas has been more joyful to me in contrast to the rest of 2020. This season the love and light of Christ shine even brighter. Merry Christmas!
I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. John 1:5 and D&C 6:21
In this post, I want to share the three main things that have helped me #HearHim, or in other words, receive personal guidance and revelation from my Creator. President Nelson said, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” (see Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives).
Three main things have made a huge difference in how often and how clearly I hear the Lord. I recently shared these in a YouTube video I made for parents of kids with dyslexia.
Three Things That Help Me #HearHim
In the video I talk about — 1. Having a quiet time each morning to pray, study scriptures, plan, exercise, and shower. 2. Filling my life with light through positive media, choices, commandments, and repentance. And, 3. Practicing Christian Mindfulness (see Christian Meditation and Mindfulness, How to Practice Christian Meditations, and Christian Mindfulness: Carrying the Meditation With You). I started doing these things about 7 years ago and they have dramatically increased my peace and my ability to #HearHim.
We Need To #HearHim
It is such a blessing to have the gift of the Holy Ghost and to be able to be in constant communion with our Father. Remember, you can search #HearHim to see how others (including the leaders of the Church) connect with God and get personal revelation. And our church leaders have encouraged all of us to share what helps us to #HearHim. This is important in a world where people are searching for answers and searching for happiness.
I will conclude with something President Nelson in March 2020 General Conference. “Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval. As we feast on the words of Christ daily, the words of Christ will tell us how to respond to difficulties we never thought we would face.” Thanks for reading this short post!
I have had many powerful and personal witnesses that what Joseph Smith described really happened and that he was called to be a prophet of God, just like ancient prophets. In this article, I want to share how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy. When I say the restored gospel, I am referring to knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Savior, the plan of happiness, and the organization of Christ’s church on the earth again.
The First Vision of 1820
My Relationship With God
First and foremost, my relationship with Jesus Christ is personal and real because of the restored gospel (see How to Be Happy Part 2, Loving God). I understand His character and how to connect with Him. I have felt closest to Christ as I serve Him by building up His kingdom on earth and ministering to His children. As the current president of the Church, Russel M. Nelson, said recently, “This is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He stands at its head and directs all that we do.” (see Opening the Heavens for Help)
My Relationship With My Family
Knowing I can be with my family forever makes me happy! Angelic visitors (John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John the beloved) restored the priesthood to Joseph Smith – the authority of God to act in His name. Elijah gave to Joseph Smith the keys of the sealing power. I have been sealed to my husband. This has caused us to be very committed to our marriage. Not only that, the teachings of the church and our personal relationships with Christ, have saved our marriage many times. Especially as the Lord moves us to forgive each other and keep trying.
Families are Forever
The House of The Lord
Temples, houses of the Lord, have been a huge strength and source of happiness to me over the years. The restoration of the priesthood allowed temples to be built. I receive peace, revelation, comfort, and knowledge from God when I am there. This has had a profound impact on my life and happiness. (see a short video on temples)
Fellowship and Service
Another joy of the restoration is the organization of the church itself. I have had so many opportunities to serve others in the good work the church does. Also, the people I have met at church have been my friends and helped me. Our congregations are set up in a way that we get to know each other and bless each other’s lives. In addition, I have had countless spiritual experiences in church meetings that make me very happy.
Ancient and Modern Scriptures
The word of God in scriptures and from modern prophets makes me happy. The restoration of Christ’s ancient church has provided additional scriptures through modern prophets. We also hear from the current 12 apostles, first presidency, and other church leaders every six months in General Conference.
the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, March 11, 2019, Rome, Italy.
The Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is an ancient book, written in the Americas, that was translated by Joseph Smith in 1827. The gospel of Christ is clear in the Book of Mormon. False interpretations of doctrines are lessened by comparing the Bible and the Book of Mormon together. I love Alma’s explanation of mercy being made possible by our Savior. (Alma 42). And Lehi’s teachings of Christ rescuing us from the spiritual and physical death brought on by the fall of Adam. (2 Nephi 2).
Doctrine & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price
The Doctrine and Covenants has a special place in my heart because it is full of the words of Christ. It is a record of the revelations given directly to Joseph Smith and a few other modern prophets. There are so many gems of knowledge in it about the last days (D&C 29, 34, 88), the light of Christ (D&C 88), how to receive personal revelation (D&C 6:23, D&C 8:2-3, D&C 9:8-9) , the nature of the Godhead (D&C 76:20-24, D&C 130:22), the spirit world (D&C 138), the three degrees of heaven (D&C 76), and so much more. One of my favorites is D&C 121:34-46 on the power of the priesthood. I could go on and on about what I have learned from the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. I have felt so much peace, joy, and hope as I study them.
The Canonized Scripture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Additional Knowledge
Knowledge is perhaps one of the greatest elements of how the restoration makes me happy. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) I know who I am, who my Heavenly Father is, who my Savior is, where I came from, why I am here, where I am going, the purpose of life, the way to live. What happens after death is not a mystery. The way to receive a remission of my sins and how to forgive others is clear. I know where to turn for peace, for strength, and for miracles. Of course, I only know all of these things in part (1 Corinthians 13:9) and I am learning the breadth and depth of them little by little as life goes on.
The Gift of The Holy Ghost
Finally, the gift of the Holy Ghost is available as a constant companion because of the restoration of the gospel. How many times He has comforted me, conveyed messages from the Lord to me. The Holy Ghost is our friend. It is available to us through baptism and confirmation by one with the authority from Jesus Christ. The fruits of the Spirit are always available to us when we have the gift of the Holy Ghost: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, and all things good. When I feel close to the Spirit, I feel close to Jesus Christ. This is the greatest happiness.
I am eternally thankful for all the peace and happiness that has come to me from the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to show my gratitude to the Lord by loving others, keeping His commandments, and serving Him.
In my last two posts, I introduced Christian Mindfulness and Meditation. I also explained ways to meditate on Christ. In this post, I will talk about Christian mindfulness, which is being focused on Christ throughout the day. Doing this helps me connect with God more than when my thoughts are “far from” Him. (see Mosiah 5:13) I also feel greater peace and receive more personal guidance than without being mindful of the Lord.
Meditating on the Lord regularly during times of quiet makes it easier to bring awareness of Him back when we are busily engaged in other activities.
How to use Awareness for Christian Mindfulness
As often as you can remember, ask yourself to breathe deeply and straighten your posture. This will bring you back to your time of meditation and refocus your thoughts on the Lord.
Check in with your feelings throughout the day. Focusing on your feelings carefully during times of quiet meditation enables you to recognize if you have positive or negative feelings at any time in the day. Recognize when you feel the Spirit and thank the Lord for it. Ask yourself why you are feeling it or why you are not? The Spirit testifies of Christ and helps us know if what we are doing is pleasing to the Lord or harmful to us. He warns us of danger. Be aware of all these feelings. It was revolutionary for me to learn to tell people, “I don’t feel comfortable with that.” And to be able to say no because of a feeling instead of always needing a logical answer.
Take inventory of what is around you and then think of things that are not in your sight or close to you physically. Such as loved ones far away, other countries, things happening in other parts of the world and even the universe. We are like an aphid on a leaf that can only see a few inches around him. We need to realize that our existence is part of something much bigger. This helps me put my problems and joys into perspective.
Focusing our Thoughts on the Lord for Christian Mindfulness
To me, this is the most exciting way to apply mindfulness to Christianity. God has asked us again and again to do this. “Pray always” (Luke 21:36) (3 Nephi 18:15, 18-19, 21)
Our thoughts tend to become busy like a chattering monkey. (See Learn meditation from this Buddhist monk) We talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. We are almost addicted to endless thinking, much of which is useless or negative. When we try to focus our thoughts on the Lord we will train our minds and change our thought patterns to do so more and more continually.
The Lord lovingly urged us, “Look unto me in every thought.” (D&C 6:36) ”Pray always, that ye may not faint, until I come. Behold, and lo, I will come quickly, and receive you unto myself.” (D&C 88:126)
Here some ways we can focus our thoughts on the Lord
Repeat simple prayers such as “Thy will be done,” “Abide with me,” “Thank you.”
Ask if what you are doing is pleasing to Him,
Talk to Him in your mind or out loud.
Ask what He would like you to do and how you can serve Him.
Ask how you can serve Him.
Think of the serenity prayer when things don’t go your way. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Thank God for everything you can think of as you are going about your day.
Ask, “What would Jesus do?”
The Practice of The Presence of God is a short book of writings by Brother Lawrence, a lay monk who worked in the kitchen in the Carmelite monastery in Paris. Brother Lawrence shares how he brought God into every aspect of his life. He was always practicing Christian mindfulness. This small book can have a big impact on the reader’s life. I highly recommend it.
Practicing Christian Mindfulness focuses our thoughts on God. It opens our mind to guidance from the Lord and so that we can “Hear Him” and to feel His love.
This scripture has always been a favorite of mine. It sums up Christian Mindfulness and the blessings it brings.
“Cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever. Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.” (Alma 37:36-37)
Thank you for reading. Feel free to email me or share your comments.