Recently The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints issued a Proclamation to the World in honor of the 200th anniversary of an amazing event – the first vision of Joseph Smith Jr. (Learn more about the first vision here.) This information makes me happy! So much of the joy in my life comes from the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have had many powerful and personal witnesses that what Joseph Smith described really happened and that he was called to be a prophet of God, just like ancient prophets. In this article, I want to share how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy. When I say the restored gospel, I am referring to knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Savior, the plan of happiness, and the organization of Christ’s church on the earth again.

My Relationship With God
First and foremost, my relationship with Jesus Christ is personal and real because of the restored gospel (see How to Be Happy Part 2, Loving God). I understand His character and how to connect with Him. I have felt closest to Christ as I serve Him by building up His kingdom on earth and ministering to His children. As the current president of the Church, Russel M. Nelson, said recently, “This is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He stands at its head and directs all that we do.” (see Opening the Heavens for Help)

My Relationship With My Family
Knowing I can be with my family forever makes me happy! Angelic visitors (John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John the beloved) restored the priesthood to Joseph Smith – the authority of God to act in His name. Elijah gave to Joseph Smith the keys of the sealing power. I have been sealed to my husband. This has caused us to be very committed to our marriage. Not only that, the teachings of the church and our personal relationships with Christ, have saved our marriage many times. Especially as the Lord moves us to forgive each other and keep trying.

The House of The Lord
Temples, houses of the Lord, have been a huge strength and source of happiness to me over the years. The restoration of the priesthood allowed temples to be built. I receive peace, revelation, comfort, and knowledge from God when I am there. This has had a profound impact on my life and happiness. (see a short video on temples)

Fellowship and Service
Another joy of the restoration is the organization of the church itself. I have had so many opportunities to serve others in the good work the church does. Also, the people I have met at church have been my friends and helped me. Our congregations are set up in a way that we get to know each other and bless each other’s lives. In addition, I have had countless spiritual experiences in church meetings that make me very happy.

Ancient and Modern Scriptures
The word of God in scriptures and from modern prophets makes me happy. The restoration of Christ’s ancient church has provided additional scriptures through modern prophets. We also hear from the current 12 apostles, first presidency, and other church leaders every six months in General Conference.

The Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is an ancient book, written in the Americas, that was translated by Joseph Smith in 1827. The gospel of Christ is clear in the Book of Mormon. False interpretations of doctrines are lessened by comparing the Bible and the Book of Mormon together. I love Alma’s explanation of mercy being made possible by our Savior. (Alma 42). And Lehi’s teachings of Christ rescuing us from the spiritual and physical death brought on by the fall of Adam. (2 Nephi 2).
Doctrine & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price
The Doctrine and Covenants has a special place in my heart because it is full of the words of Christ. It is a record of the revelations given directly to Joseph Smith and a few other modern prophets. There are so many gems of knowledge in it about the last days (D&C 29, 34, 88), the light of Christ (D&C 88), how to receive personal revelation (D&C 6:23, D&C 8:2-3, D&C 9:8-9) , the nature of the Godhead (D&C 76:20-24, D&C 130:22), the spirit world (D&C 138), the three degrees of heaven (D&C 76), and so much more. One of my favorites is D&C 121:34-46 on the power of the priesthood. I could go on and on about what I have learned from the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. I have felt so much peace, joy, and hope as I study them.

Additional Knowledge
Knowledge is perhaps one of the greatest elements of how the restoration makes me happy. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) I know who I am, who my Heavenly Father is, who my Savior is, where I came from, why I am here, where I am going, the purpose of life, the way to live. What happens after death is not a mystery. The way to receive a remission of my sins and how to forgive others is clear. I know where to turn for peace, for strength, and for miracles. Of course, I only know all of these things in part (1 Corinthians 13:9) and I am learning the breadth and depth of them little by little as life goes on.
The Gift of The Holy Ghost
Finally, the gift of the Holy Ghost is available as a constant companion because of the restoration of the gospel. How many times He has comforted me, conveyed messages from the Lord to me. The Holy Ghost is our friend. It is available to us through baptism and confirmation by one with the authority from Jesus Christ. The fruits of the Spirit are always available to us when we have the gift of the Holy Ghost: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, and all things good. When I feel close to the Spirit, I feel close to Jesus Christ. This is the greatest happiness.

I am eternally thankful for all the peace and happiness that has come to me from the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to show my gratitude to the Lord by loving others, keeping His commandments, and serving Him.
Amy, you have such an eloquent way of bearing your testimony. I felt the Spirit so strongly as I read your inspiring words. My feelings are the same as yours. We are so blessed for the knowledge we have as to those truths that pertain to the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Thank you Amy!
Wow! Thank you, Marlene! I just saw this today. I appreciate you so much. I am looking forward to conference! Take care and much love to you and yours.