Having teenagers is scary. It’s hard to not be worried and down. But, life is scary in general. I keep reminding myself the same thing I thought the day that I got married- “This will only work if I do it with the Lord.”
I think what makes teenagers so scary is that I worry that they will lose their faith and ruin their life. There is so much pull from the world. They are surrounded by evil and base influences that they seem to welcome and seek out. Will I be close enough to them? Will I push them away with discipline? How can I help them be wise? How can they see that the restored gospel is true? Will they develop a personal relationship with he Savior?
But, I have to have faith and be optimistic. The Lord will help me to receive revelation day by day. My peace and joy will show them that the restored gospel is true. My wisdom will show them how to be wise.
I realize that I need the constant influence of the Spirit for me to survive spiritually and have that peace. My spirituality can help my children. And, ultimately, my happiness doesn’t depend on what they do. It depends on me knowing that I’m doing what God wants me to do each day.
Excellent post!
Good luck!